Saturday, April 5, 2014


Hola Familia, This week was pretty good, We have decided to drop a lot of our investigators this last week, because none of them were progressing and a lot of them stopped letting us in. But we have been trying to find more people to teach this last week. We knocked a lot of doors, but none of the doors we knocked showed much desire. We were also contacting people on the streets, but still not much interest. So on Sunday we were one person away from our weekly goal for contacting, so we came home from church to do our studies, and there was this car in our driveway and we saw a ladder leading up to our roof, so I grabbed a card and went upstairs and climbed out our window and started talking to this guy who was on our roof. It turns out the manager called him and told him that we had leaks that needed fixing but I gave him the card. I don't think he will try to have missionaries come visit him, but I learned an important lesson from that. I learned that when you set a goal and have a true desire to achieve it, and you do everything you can to achieve it, the Lord will provide a way for you to achieve it. So even though no one we found this week is super interested, when we continue to find New people to teach, the Lord will provide us with those people in his own time. Anyway, that was pretty much our whole week. But it's good that Mom's foot is doing pretty good now and that it is actually healing. Its good to hear that Halloween was pretty good there. We didn't do much for Halloween, it was pretty much like any other day. Did any kids get scared of Oliver? Thats pretty funny that you had him out front. Anyway that's about it for me. Good Luck, I love you all. Elder Lee

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