Querida Familia,
This week felt kind of slow, but it still turned out to be a good week! We had some really good lessons with some really solid investigators! We had to push a few baptismal dates back a week, because of Word of Wisdom issues, but things are looking really good for them! Our investigator that is struggling the most is J M, but he is doing so good, he is super excited to get baptized, he just has a few issues with drinking and smoking, but he is already inviting people to his baptism, so we are praying that he can stay clean these last two weeks! He has already made so much progress, its amazing to see such great changes! We also saw a few other super solid investigator families! The week was mainly slow because we didn't have much success with finding which takes up a big portion of our time. But other than that it was great! Well Dad, thats cool that you got a new calling, I hope you enjoy that! I know you don't have a whole lot of time to go out with the missionaries, but I would still encourage you to try to get out with them! You never know who could be waiting for you to be their friend! My comps are great, we are still in a trio! They are awesome, we get along great, and they are both hard workers, which I am so grateful for! We have been having a lot of success lately and it has been awesome! Mom, We have not been able to watch meet the Mormons yet, but There are rumors that say we are watching it at Zone Conference this Thursday, so we will see if that is true or not! The high councilman for our branch came to our meetings on Sunday and he was telling us about it, kind of distracting, but I don't really think about it too much. Kyle, I heard you got a new calling too, that is pretty cool! And I am so happy to hear from you! I'm glad you took the time to give me that update even though it could have seemed so silly to others it really meant a lot to me that I got to hear that from you! Anyway, thats about it for me! I love you all!
Elder Lee

Our Zone went bowling last

That was our second place prize!
Elder Doutre is our Zone leader and we started a campaign for him to be the next AP! haha Just kidding we just wanted to pull a prank on him! It was pretty funny and he really got a kick out of it
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